“The Odd Couple is a play by Neil Simon. Following its premiere on Broadway in 1965, the characters were revived in a successful 1968 film and 1970s TV series, as well as other derivative works and spin-offs. The plot concerns two mismatched roommates: the neat, uptight Felix Ungar and the slovenly, easygoing Oscar Madison. Simon adapted the play in 1985 to feature a pair of female roommates (Florence Ungar and Olive Madison) in The Female Odd Couple. An updated version of the 1965 show appeared in 2002 with the title Oscar and Felix: A New Look at the Odd Couple.” – Wikipedia
As the saying goes “what goes around comes around” and with this play that seems to happen on a frequent basis. The most notable performance would have to be the 1968 film starring Jack Lemmon and Walter Mathau. They followed that with their reprised roles in The Odd Couple II, directed by Neil Simon. Now, here we are in 2016 and the show is once again the inspiration for another TV series, oddly enough called The Odd Couple. Not to be outdone by Broadway or Hollywood the Cranbrook Community Theatre, under the direction of Bob McCue brings the iconic characters to life for local audiences.
- Bob Wakulich – Oscar Madison
- Peter Schalk – Felix Unger
- Alexander Gilmour – Vinnie
- Barry Coulter – Murray
- Barry Borgstrom – Speed
- Randy Tapp – Roy
- Michelle McCue – Gwendolyn Pigeon
- Andrea Grossman – Cecily Pigeon
Directed by Bob McCue and produced by Kristy Quinn
The Setting : Four acts in Oscar Madison’s apartment in New York City.